It is available for rent by entities interested in carrying out activities linked to their strategic purposes within an accessible and friendly environment
Located in the Tecnópole I Building
275-m2 surface in two floors
5 areas of activity
As an initiative linked to the Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia (Galicia’s Technological Park), Tecnópole, TECMEVA experimental surgery centre has the following strategic goals:
Surgical techniques (all specialities)
Within the field of laparoscopic surgery
Innovation, development and research activities
Business promotion
With high definition imaging and anaesthetic and lighting equipment; fully equipped for procedures with big animals.
Remote control of the endoscopy equipment.
Image, video and audio capturing.
For 3D image visualization at the infirmary.
With capacity for 5 big animals.
For training sessions with anaesthetic and lighting equipment.
For training sessions with projector support.
You can also call us on 988 368 100 and we will answer all your questions.
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